Sample Remedy

Last update on This is the last time the remedy, page, or post was updated.Oct 19, 2013 @ 10:24

[Place your cursor over underlined text for additional information,]

Insurer says:

“Your claim is pending receipt of accident report…”InformationInsurance company stall… An insurance company’s excuse to “justify” delaying or denyng the claim.

Your response:

“ An accident report is not necessary for processing this claim. Texas Insurance Code states, (Edited for purposes of this Sample Remedy only. Full text available for active subscribers.) Your responsibility is to pay this claim timely in order to avoid additional penalties.”InformationYour reply to insurer…A proven, scripted response that empowers you with the law supporting your demand for immediate payment. The laws cited below give you the confidence that the “stall tactic” is not a valid reason to withhold payment.

[“Show Legal Support”, “Hide Legal Support”, “hidden”]
(<–Show/HideClick “Show Legal Support” to reveal the referenced laws.)

“If an insurer needs additional information from a treating preferred provider….” (Edited for purposes of this Sample Remedy only. Full text available for active subscribers.)InformationQuoteDirect quote of the law in an easy to read, easy to understand format, with only the pertinent parts cited, allowing the provider to be quick and concise in the response. Emphasis may be added for additional impact.

“Texas Insurance Code, Texas Administrative Code, Code of Federal Regulations, all updated through current legislative and congressional sessions.” InformationUp to dateLaws are constantly changing. Your active subscription ensures that you will always have the latest information to counter any insurance company delay or denial of your valid claim.

Ready to create a high impact, effective letter?”InformationAttorney Impact LetterOn the left hand side of this page, under Short Cut Menu, you will find the sample Attorney Impact Letter. Fill out the required form sections, and click “show results. This is a “working” sample letter, with similar functions to a “live” letter, with the exception that no emails are sent, either to you or the network attorney. A modified letter, edited from the actual letter, will appear on your confirmation screen and should give you a solid understanding of what to expect with the all inclusive membership.

Last update on Updated by Claim Remedy’s Legal Network.Oct 19, 2013 @ 10:24